The Secret of Evermore

  • Squaresoft
  • Nintendo
  • Alan Weiss
  • George Sinfield
  • Brian Frehdrau
  • Daniel Dociu
    Beau Folsam
  • George Sinfield
  • Paul Mazurek

  • Jeremy Soule
  • Super Nes
  • 1996
  • Action Role Playing Game
  • Single-player 


Box Synopsis

Discover the Secret of Evermore!

In Dr. Sidney Ruffleberg's old, decaying mansion, a boy and his dog stumble upon a mysterious machine. By sheer accident the are propelled into Evermore, a one-time utopia that has become a confounding and deadly world. A world of prehistoric jungles, ancient civilizations, medieval kingdoms and a futuristic city. During his odyssey, the boy must master various weapons, learn to harness the forces of alchemy and make powerful allies to battle Evermore's diabolical monsters. What's more, his dog masters shape-changing to aid the quest. But even if the can muster enough skill and courage, even if they can uncover the mysterious clues, they can only find their way home by discovering the Secret of Evermore.



The Secret of Evermore is a single player role playing game that is set in the world of Evermore. The player assumes the role of the boy and his dog and must successfully uncover the secret of Evermore by following the storyline through 4 unique worlds. 

As the boy and his dog you can navigate around the worlds screens while attacking and defending creatures that appear along the way. In this role play game your battles are set in real time and not turn based like other RPGs.

The adventure begins in the Prehistoric village where you learn to fight with the weapons available. Weapons gain experience based on kills and unlock powerful charge attacks as you level them. Alchemy is introduced near the beginning which replaces spells in this game and requires the user to have certain ingredients before being cast. 

Once you leave the Prehistoric village the story really gets into motion and takes the boy and his dog through a world saving adventure over 4 worlds which have their own unique looks, characters and parts of the story. 

To complete the game you must defeat the final boss and save Evermore.


Default layout:

Horizontal D-Pad: Move character
Vertical D-Pad: Move character
L: Dog Sniff
R: Dog Sniff
X: Companion menu
Y: Player menu
B: Attack (Hold to charge)/Accept/Dialogue
A: Run
Select: Change character
Start: N/A


Game Videos

Secret of Evermore Story Introduction

Secret of Evermore Gameplay Sample

Shanwow's Review

The Secret of Evermore is an action role play game brought to the world by the famous developers Squaresoft. Leading up to it's release in 1996 (PAL) Squaresoft was responsible for titles such as Final Fantasy, The Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger and they were already known for making quality role playing games. For comparison Secret of Evermore is an action role play game similar to Secret of Mana. This title graced the PAL region after North America in February 1996 and has been treasured by many as old gold when it comes to retro gaming.

The story for this epic game is told via a boy, his dog and a secret world that they accidently discover after a night out at the cinema in the year 1995. After accidently stumbling across a secret invention in an abandoned mansion they are slingshot from our world into another, Evermore. After arriving in Evermore, a well written adventure full of action, drama and some laugh out  loud moments.

I think the writers for this game have done a immaculate job of piecing together characters and dialogue that help guide you through 4 enormous worlds full of their own dangers. There are no real cut scenes, however this game uses in game locations and characters for story building. I found that these chat sequences were frequent enough through the narrative to keep the game moving forward and they also had some comic relief moments which I usually smirked to.

Secret of Evermore is an action role play game which means the player and creatures are all on the same screen at the same time and DO NOT enter battle and take turns to hit each other like the Final Fantasy series. As you move around the screens enemies will try to attack and kill you.  Combat is rather simple and consists of dodging enemies while waiting for your bar to hit 100%. 100% attacks mean you will have a higher damage rate and hit chance, attacks can also be charged once the weapon is leveled.

Alchemy is also introduced into this game as a replacement to your traditional mana spending spells and instead you must obtain the required ingredients. New recipes unlock new offensive and defensive abilities, these recipes are found through in game Alchemists. Some recipes are used to damage enemies and some are used to heal, buff or increase your offensive.  Each world has it's own recipes and available ingredients for you to buy or find. My favorite alchemy recipes are heal, cure, crush and energize.

The dog is a playable character and not just a side kick. You may not be able to do everything with the dog but he does have great uses such as sniffing out ingredients, jumping large gaps and dealing high damage with charge attacks. You can also activate the dogs nose manually using the shoulder buttons. While holding one of them, the dog will attempt to lock onto an ingredient for you to find. I found if he stops moving and sniffing one spot, spamming B around him found the ingredient.

The games soundtrack is of epic and has a few awesome music tracks and great SFX. Most of the music has a dark ominous sound and helps set the tone for this dangerous adventure. The background music switches between screens fluently including when you enter a boss room. Each world has it's own background track but the rest of the sounds seem used in various examples I found. I really enjoy the electrical shocking sounds and the squish sound made by killing bugs and other baddies. 

Evermore has 4 worlds that are all unique in form and sound. You start in a prehistoric jungle that is overgrown and end up on a futuristic space station. With that being said, each world was a delight to look at. The camera angle used allows for a fair amount of detail work in the sprites and backgrounds. I really enjoyed everything I looked at and thank the developers for not just reskinning things between worlds and delivering an appealing game visually.

This game isn't overly hard to finish but will take several hours to do so. I finished the game in around 20 hours, however I did not level up every weapon and alchemy recipe. The more time you spend in game the easier it gets due to you leveling weapons and alchemy. The hardest part of the game was the final battle which took me several attempts to complete, however I was able to level up a little between attempts which helped loads.

I had loads of fun squeezing in little Secret of Evermore sessions over the last 2 weeks. The game is large however each section has enough save points and objectives that you can play an hour here and there or just go hard out the gates. There is a great amount of potential time spent in game if you choose to level all the weapons and alchemy if you find them all. I returned to the game after finishing it back in the days and I really enjoyed the whole experience once again. 

If you are a Secret of Mana fan you are most likely going to enjoy this amazing action role play game just as much as I do! 

Retro Rating: 10 out of 10



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